And just like that a new year is upon us! Happy New Year! Bring it on 6th year of blogging! When I started in 2012 I didn’t have the slightest clue about how this gig would turn out and here we are. So many blog facelifts, projects, of you joining along on this little journey of mine. In fact even my relationship with blogging has changed drastically over the years. I went from an over enthusiastic budding blogger, to a wannabe entrepreneur who dream that blogging would one day be my full time job, something that I would love to do as a full time job only to realize that was by no means true, finally making peace with the fact that this blog will always be a part of me, something I would cherish as a hobby rather than a full time venture.
Frankly 2016 was the first year that I didn’t let the blog take me over, engulfing my life, calling my attention to it (whether I had the time to dedicate to it is a different question) at all times. And you know what I was totally fine with that. For the first time in years, in 2016 I blogged without expecting anything in return from my blog. It was a huge relief to break free of this hold the blog had on me. For days or even months I hardly checked my Google analytics stats or my earnings, no sponsored posts, no deadlines, which was a sharp contrast from the previous years. I know that makes me a bad blogger but I think I’m at my happy place now where I can find enough time for everything that is important to me in my life vs. dedicating a huge chunk of my free time to the blog. I’m loving that the blog and the projects are my creative outlet while I pursue an exciting day job. Have I told you, over the last few years I made a career switch from being in the business side (finance) to full on IT? It was a big scary change but nonetheless very fulfilling.
Don’t worry I’m still working my rear off on projects during weekends and can’t wait to share the new look of our home. If you are following me on social media you already know that the tone on tone stencil in the dining room is gone.
Actually pretty much everything in that room except for the curtains is gone. 🙂 The breakfast nook also got a small makeover. The living room got a paint makeover and the family room is waiting in the wings for one. The biggest change is the basement hall. This long overdue project is finally taking shape. I’m so excited about this one.
Before I sign off I want to show you something interesting. The other day I came across a website where you could look through archives of your blog. Man…..was that an eye opener! We have come a loooooong way! I’m so happy and grateful that y’all have joined me on this fun trip in the front seat. A million thanks to each and everyone of you! Love ya!
Ready for the flashback? Here’s how the blog looked like the first week of Jan 2012.
Jan 2013 🙂
Jan 2014
Jan 2015
Jan 2016
Wow! See what I mean by so many changes!!!!!:)
It’s so nice to read your blogging journey. I started my blog in 2013 and I started really focusing on it only in 2016. however, the thought of quitting my day job and becoming 100% blogger comes to me quite often even though I love my day job (like you I’m an MBA myself).
But I know, blogging is my creative outlet and I might not be as passionate as I’m today if I go full time.
Hi Uma, Great to hear from you. Happy New Year! That’s exactly what happened to me. I got laid off in 2014 and took a 4 month break trying to give full time blogging a try. Those 4 months were my least productive time ever in terms of projects. When it became the bread winning job it became a chore for me all of a sudden and sucked out all the joy. I couldn’t wait to back to my full time job. 🙂 Happy blogging!
All is well at the end, right? I have 2 kids under 3 and husband’s job is quite demanding that I’m managing everything on my own. When I think about all these, I wish I could quit and blog full time and stay home with my kiddos. But I really LOVE my day job and enjoy the challenges. So I guess I’m going to pass one day at a time and get through this phase.
Thanks for sharing your story. It’s very helpful and made me rethink a lot of things on the career front.