A new year is a great time to make a list of To dos and as usual here’s my not so long list of projects around the home. Interestingly most of these are furniture makeovers. I guess it makes sense, furniture when regularly used will wear out and need a face lift after a few years. Get ready for a lot of subpar Iphone pics (reminds me of my initial days of blogging 🙂 ).
Our biggest project of the year is going to be our master bedroom makeover. Yes, we are finally working on it! And more importantly, after 10 years in this house and 20 years of marriage we are on the same page as to what it should look like! 🙂 Isn’t that a big feat in itself? 😛 Yes, this is one of the few rooms in the house that we haven’t touched since we moved in, mostly because we couldn’t agree as to what we wanted it to look like. No, we were not in solid alignment on the style and as with many things in a marriage both of us had to give in on certain things, but yes the joined vision is there.
We started working on it during the Thanksgiving weekend in 2019. Actually, I bought the curtains for this room during JC Penny’s Thanksgiving 2017 sale! So you can imagine how much back and forth was involved in this project 🙂 . If you have been following me on social media you might have seen the sneak peek below. This was just after painting and moving the furniture in.

This is how it looked like before or while painting.

On the other side of the room is the bed, which leads me to the next item on my project list.

That cherry king bed you see there is going to be painted cream like the other new furniture in the room. The plan is to go with my trusty chalk paint. Also in the works are the art and accessories for the room.
Project Trois:
Remember the chair in the sneak peek pic? Yes, it is this guy from the guest bedroom. When I started working from home (a couple of days a week) we moved the chair upstairs to the master but forgot to take into account my rookie mistake; I had used a non upholstery cream colored fabric to upholster. Almost 6 years of regular use and we have ended up with worn out fabric that is starting to tear. So definitely this guy needs a makeover.

Project #4 – Dresser/ Sideboard MakeoverÂ
This was our sideboard in our townhome, which ended up in our master as a dresser. You see, our master was a catch all for mismatched furniture from around the house. For the past 16 years, this side board has served us well and now it is time for him to enter a new stage of his life. And you know what? He is gonna paint the town red and will reside in our upstairs retreat area next to the stairs. Again this is a space which I haven’t shared much here. So let’s hope I can put together a proper reveal post soon.

Project #5 – Office Room File Cabinet
This is another room that has seen quite a few changes since its original reveal but my bad, I never shared those with you. We picked up this boring metal file cabinet from an office liquidation sale on FB almost 3 years back. He has been sitting in my garage (yes, yes we are long overdue for garage cleaning) since then waiting for his turn to shine. I guess I’ll need to tackle it this year as we have run out of room to store our files.

Project #6 – Backyard Garden
This is a nice to have, so am not sure if we will get to it. We fenced in the backyard 2 years ago and added the cottage garden beds.

In addition to these beds, I’d like to add a patio and some beds surrounding it.
Let’s see how that as well as the other items on the project list pan out. How is your To Do list looking? What all projects are you planning on doing?
OMG Vidya, back home in India, where I live, Chennai to be precise, I would be overwhelmed even if i was getting this done by an army of people from the revamping team. And I love the way you guys are slaying it through DIY’s. great going and all the best.
Thank you so much Vincy.