My late Fall garden tour is here! This year thanks to a milder Fall weather we had lots of flowers in October. And contrary to expectations of yellows and oranges we had loads of white and pink. There a profusion of pics in this post but if you are eager to get to the video tour, you can watch it here:
Early October whites were aptly represented by this beautiful clump of Nippon Daisy or Montauk Daisy.

Many annuals like Zinnias contributed to the profusion of pink.

More whites in the form of annuals like alyssum

and dahlias, that I started from seed.

A great Fall blooming perennial for the share garden is the Japanese Anemone.

By mid October the garden was taken over by different colored mums.

My favorites are this daisy like white and yellow mum

and this cheerleader chrysanthemum, a new addition this year.

Talking about additions, here’s a new one, the Green Twister Coneflower.

Another addition this year are these orange zinnias in the front garden.

The Mission Giant Yellow marigolds are going so strong that

I had to cut a big bunch of them to bring inside one night when we had a frost warning.

The white Gomphrena turned pink thanks to the colder weather.

By the end of the month the magenta mums were in full form.

As were the Alyssums in the fornt porch planters.

The subtle stars of the late fall garden tour were the huge Queen Elizabeth roses and mission giant marigolds.

We wound up the month by cutting down our hardy banana tree and prepping the root ball for winter. You can see how I did it here. The video is in my mother tongue, Malayalam, but there are subtitles.

That pretty much wraps up the tour of the fall garden. I hope to have a short one for November, which will sadly be the last for 2020. Did you have a good gardening year?
Hi Vidya,
Great job in keeping your garden so beautiful, along with your full time job.
I would love to hear from you about the winter gardening.
All the best,
Sure. Thank you.