Spring time and night time temps over 40s around here means my water lilies come out of hibernation. Time to set my DIY Water Garden in a Pot! After 8 years of setting up the container water garden and dividing the lilies twice in the last 5 years (once in the below video) I finally got the confidence to make a video tutorial.
You might have noticed more video tutorials recently and wondered what’s up. Remember my new year promise to myself of conquering my fears and getting outside my comfort zone? Being a true introvert at heart I never ever felt comfortable in front of the camera, always preferring to stay behind the scenes and out of the spotlight. Actually a lot of folks who have known me since the last decade or so find it hard to believe that I’m an introvert. Living in a world full of go getters, you have to teach yourself some essential life skills. For me training my mind to be less of an introvert was one such. Still, old habits die hard, so off and on the introvert rears its head, which I’m totally ok with as I feel the most comfortable in my introvert skin.
But then what do you do when you promise yourself that you will challenge yourself to conquer one of your fears? Well, you dive right in and stick to it. So I did a 5239D, one of the hardest dives there is! I decided to face the camera, not once but twice. i.e. rebrand and relaunch the Whats Ur Home Story YouTube channel, where I had posted only a few videos, and launch a new channel in my mother tongue, Malayalam, with similar but more lifestyle centric content. And thus Whats Ur Home Story Malayalam was born!
Would really love it if y’all could please checkout both the channels and provide your feedback and subscribe to the channels as well. As always a big thank you for your support over the years. I know, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without y’all. I don’t usually announce on here when I start social media channels so here’s the plug for the rest in case you didn’t know about them. Please do follow WUHS on these channels as well.
Coming back to my water garden in a pot, with all the gorgeous weather we’ve had recently I kept the water garden and my lotus out. But it looks like we are having some freak Arctic snap over the weekend with close to freezing temps. Not sure how to protect these guys. Most likely I will wrap a bedsheet or bedspread over the pots. What do you do to protect your plants from a late spring cold snap?

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