If you are struggling with a brown thumb but would like to grow indoor plants then Pothos is the way to go. Did you know there are many varieties of Pothos available in the market? Here is a list of 8 best Pothos varieties to grow.
If you want a quick tour of these varieties in my home you can check out the below video. The video is in my mother tongue, Malayalam, but it has English subtitles.
Disclaimer: As tropical plants covet the prime spots near the windows during Winter I had moved all of my Pothos to other spots. So all of them have been in medium to low light areas for the last few months, which has reduced the white/yellow color variegations. Now that the tropicals are moved out, these will regain their window seats and get their beautiful variegations back.
#1 Golden Pothos
First on the list is the ubiquitous, Golden Pothos. Yes, this is the Pothos that we all know and have seen everywhere, in office buildings, stores, doctor’s offices, you name it. This is one of my Golden Pothos, in fact the oldest plant I own at over 20 years old! She has produced countless babies over the years.

Here’s a close up of another Golden Pothos in my collection.

#2 Marble Queen Pothos
This variegated Pothos gets its name from the beautiful marbling on the leaves. This variety is commonly available in most garden stores and a fast grower.

#3 Neon Pothos
As the name suggests the color of the leaves is Neon. This gal is a medium grower. I got her as a one leaf node cutting on FB marketplace over a year back and it has grown to only an OK size so far. You can see the pot in this video.

#4 Manjula Pothos
This is a beautiful slow growing variegated pothos with large rounded leaves. The green and cream areas are distinct with white mostly occurring in the center of the leaf. What makes this variety stand out from the rest in the curl in the leaf.

#5 Njoy Pothos
Njoy is another variegated variety with smaller leaves. It is a medium grower indoors where as outdoors in humid climates they are fast growing. You can see how lush and huge my mom’s Njoy is in her garden tour video.

#6 Pearl and Jade Pothos
Pearl and Jade is very similar to Njoy. In fact it can be very confusing to tell them apart. My way of differentiating them is that the white/cream areas of Pearl and Jade have green splatters, as if some one sprayed green water color on them. The white/cream areas of Njoy do not have those green water color like spots. In my experience she is a slow grower.

#7 Cebu Blue Pothos
Cebu Blue is unlike any other Pothos. The leaves are elongated and do not look like your typical pothos. The leaves also have a beautiful blue tinge. Cebu Blue is a fast grower and loves to trail. This variety was rare until a few years back. Now a days it is becoming more common and is being sold even at big box stores.

#8 Global Green Pothos
This is a newer variety of Pothos that I have noticed in the market only recently, sold by Costa Farms. Another variegated variety but this time the variegations are dark and light green. The leaves have a rounder shape like that of Manjula but do not have the curl.

There you go, those are the best Pothos varieties to grow from my experience. If you would like to know more about fertilizing and watering please watch the video I posted above. For details on propagating pothos and other indoor plants please check out my video.
How many of these Pothos varieties do you have? Do you have any other varieties?
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