Today marks the first day of the 11 month since I started blogging. You can call this post a rant, rave, or just my musings. As all of it revolves around blogging I thought I might as well post it out here.
We had an awesome trick or treat this year. With each year the loot gets bigger as the number of houses in this area quadruples!
Thank God for the ‘Donate the candy to the Soldiers’ program at the kids’ school. Otherwise half of that candy would have gone straight to Mama’s tummy! I’ve already finished up the Almond Joys and Heath bars (my kids hate them…Yay!). 🙂
Last week Whats Ur Home Story received two awards from two special ladies. First Sue from Housekaboodle gave me the versatile blogger award.
Then later on in the week Debi from Projects on the Farm gave the blog a Liebster award.
I’m totally humbled that Sue and Debi thought of me and my little blog when they planned to give out the awards. I also extremely grateful to all their readers who dropped in to check out the blog.
Such awards are part of the blog etiquette and help spread the word about your blog. That said, it very hard for me not to put my finance/marketing grad hat on when it comes to things like this. So one side of my mind tells me to sit back and enjoy the attention the other side whispers incessantly that the main purpose of all these awards is to increase traffic to your blog, which as every blogger knows is key to their survival. The thing that irks me however is that these awards have very specific rules (aka, the recipient has to nominate bloggers from a certain category) that border on spamming. And anyone that knows me closely know how much I detest the ‘S’ word. Yes, I even go to great lengths to test out the various generic status updates that my FB friends post to make sure they are not spam. If they are then I post my own heads up to my friends that the particular update is spam. I don’t know why I do that other than an inane aversion to spam.
So what am I getting at? While I truly value the award that my two wonderful blog friends passed on to me I’m going to make a slight change when it comes to following the rules of game. I’m going to list a whole lot of blogs that are on my reading list, a few that I manage to read everyday the rest I would love to read everyday but don’t have the time to do so. But I promise I do catch up on them at least once in 2 weeks.
To all the bloggers mentioned here please do not feel obligated to return/spread the favor. Since I do not have a ‘blogs I follow’ list on my sidebar please consider this as my nod to you guys. In no particular order;
Whoa! That is an exhaustive list! I have a lot more blogs that I read. I just ran out of time to write. Really tired and sleepy. Need to go to bed now.
How was your Halloween? What all candies did you stash away from your kids’ loot?
PS: If you are wondering about the Scouting Craigslist post for the 1st of the month it has been moved to Monday to account for my babbling. 🙂
Hi Vidya,
That was really a sweet gesture… I guess I should look at renaming the blog just so I can get the alphabetical advantage in such lists 🙂
Your blog is certainly an inspiration to me. I am always awed at how you manage a daily post without having to compromise on the quality.
I also appreciate your respect for the “S” word… Sometimes tag posts force bloggers to deviate from their niche which naturally may irk some.
Good luck and keep blogging the way you do. 🙂
Thank you Somu. Totally agree with you on the name. We have it tough on the alphabetical list. Initially I had it in random order but then I kept forgetting the ones I already wrote. So had to sort it alphabetically. Thanks again for your support.
I stashed away the 3 musketeers and Heath bars!!! The kids had so much fun trick or treating!!! I loved the haunted house that our neighborhood guy had created!!! Thank you for ur company!!!
No reprieve at work either. I was hogging on all the Heath bars from my neighboring cube today! Thank U all for trekking over to this side. 🙂
I truly agree about the rules for the Awards and I salute you for your post here listing the blogs you like so much, and I agree with Somu about deviating from niche – This is all good stuff! Thanks for the mention and happy 11th blogging month! I am eating Reese miniatures and butterfingers – heaven help me.
Thanks again Sue. Oh I wish I could send you our Reese-s and butterfingers! All of us (one of those rare things that we all have the same opinion on) do not like peanut butter. So we usually end up donating all the Reese-s and butterfingers!
Hi there,
I just saw your blog link from the Brambleton Bsold facebook page. Its quite an interesting read. I loved what you have done with your home. Keep the posts coming.
Thanks a lot Roopa for dropping by the blog. Hope to see you around often.