I have wondered many times that even after posting about gardening frequently how come I never posted about growing curry leaves, an integral herb in Indian cooking. You’d be hard pressed to find an Indian dish that’s not seasoned with these uniquely tasting leaves. I have been growing them successfully in pots since 2014. So here’s a video tutorial on how to grow curry leaf in a pot. The video is in my mother tongue, Malayalam, but there are English subtitles. Did you know there are 3 different types of curry leaves?
I have tried to make it as informative as possible, covering everything from how to prune, fertilize curry leaf plants, common pests and pest control, and for those us in colder climates winter care, when we have to bring this tropical plant indoors in winter.

Here’s is curry leaf plant collection. I grow both the dwarf and gamthi variety. As I mentioned in the video my two smaller plants have had pest issues that I was able to control well in time.

Hope this video about how to grow curry leaf in a pot was helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments. Literally every one of my gardening friends grow curry leaves and will be able to answer any questions that I might not have an answer to.

Hi Vidhya
Thanks for sharing information about curry leaf plant. I was in Maclean, VA and migrated to GTA , ontario.
I would like to know how to transfer baby curry leaf plant from mother plant. If you can post a video regarding that it would be great.
Thank you Primna. Will take a video next time I move the baby plant.
Great article and nice video! Nice collection you have there.
Can you taste the difference between the 2 types of curry leaves that you have?
Yes, the gamthi has a stronger taste when eaten raw.
I have curry plant since 5 years its growing good until summer because of winter I bring inside of house since I bring inside idk What happened all leaves are falling. This will not happened before. So if u can suggest me something so plz let me know. I live in Maryland.
That’s normal because fo the difference in light and temperature between inside and outside. Just keep watering it when the soil is dry.