Today I’d planned on showing you a project in the making for the guest bedroom but then I came across these beautiful pictures of Dandi’s country garden. How could I not share this gem with y’all? What I love the most about her outdoor space is her very clever use of containers and how she has mixed and matched various plants. If you thought my bird cage planter was a novel idea then hold on to your seats tight, you are in for a thrill ride!
Presenting………..happiness in a tub!
I’m in love! The colors, flowers, everything about it.
Impatiens spilling out of an old bucket.
Here’s a zoomed out view of the same thing.
Dandi took the hanger off a hanging petunia basket and placed it inside an old milk can and voila!
See what I’m saying? A Radio Flyer wagon gets a makeover and how!
Every corner of her garden brims with color!
Here’s another tub oozing garden goodness.
I never knew galvanized containers could look so good in a garden!
After seeing this I so want a primrose bed.
Purple Heart and Sedum as companion plants, wow!
Leaving you with a shot of Dandi’s inviting porch.
Don’t you just want to sit on those funky chairs sipping sweet tea all day? I know I would be happy to all day every day! Thanks a ton Dandi for sharing your beautiful garden with us.
If you would like to share your space or project with us please send in the pics to [email protected].
love this find of yours, Vidya. so original
Isn’t it Smitha? There are so many things that I want to copy into my garden.
Love those purple flowers that was listed as phlox..that I thought might be verbena..They are planted in front of yellow flowers..could that be the variety of phlox called Blue Paradise or something similar in name? The yellow flowers behind it? Rudbeckia family? How did you get so lucky to find the old galvanized tubs? Beautiful gardens and arrangements of colors..The yellow primrose, we call them “Aunt Pearl’s flowers” because my DH’s Aunt gave us some of those Pass-along plants years ago. She is not deceased and when I moved here in 2005, it was in Feb. and I had to leave so many perenials frozen in the ground.
Not sure Betty. Will check with Dandi and let you know. Aren’t those galvanized tubs gorgeous? I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for them from now own.
The purple flowers are infact verbena, and the yellow behind it is tickseed. 🙂 I founf my galvanized containers at an antique store.. they r hard 2 find around here in alabama.
Thank you for the nice article, I did not know you were doing one. But thank you 4 giving me credit 4 my pictures.
You are most welcome. The day the post got live I had shared it on our Gardening group thread. Assumed that you saw it. Thank you for sharing your wonderful space with us!
Did you ask permission before using the photos or writing about someone else’s garden? There’s rumor around the gardening groups on FB that you didn’t.
Very rude to use someone else’s photos and to write about their home without at least asking first.
S. Hacker,
So very noble of you for looking out for the garden owner. When I came across her beautiful garden’s pics on our FB gardening group I had in fact asked her permission to share on my blog which she gave. On the day the post was live I did go back to the thread and thanked her and commented with the blog post link. You are welcome to share your garden/home’s pics too if you would like in our home tour section. Have a nice day!
Does Dandi have a blog or FaceBook address?
Barb, she is on the home talk garden FB page. Will send her your email.
I just ran across these beautiful photos. Could you provide me the FB link to the garden page you reference?
Wow, wow wow. Love it and live that you shared these ideas.